We are now welcoming abstract submissions for the 2018 BSO conference.


You are encouraged to submit abstracts of papers on main conference themes:

New building performance simulation methods (e.g., energy, comfort, daylighting, airflow, air quality)
New approaches for optimizing design and operation
New decision support methods for real world applications (e.g., design, compliance, commissioning, predictive control, retrofit)
Advances in model calibration, uncertainty analysis, and validation methods
Occupant behaviour modelling

Urban- and district-scale simulation of energy and environment Innovative applications of simulation in practice
For abstract submission you are asked to write:

(1) Objectives of your paper (up to 150 words)

(2) Methods & Key Outcomes (up to 200 words), and

(3) Novelty (up to 150 words)

Abstracts will be evaluated based on suitability of the topic to BSO themes, significance of the work in the targeting context, technical merit of investigated method(s), and novelty of the work.

All abstracts should be submitted online via BSO 2018 ConfTool